Tata Capital allows prepayment under certain conditions:

  1. Part prepayment is allowed once a year, with a minimum six-month gap between two part prepayments.
  2. You can part prepay up to 50% of the principal outstanding within a single year.
  3. No part payment is allowed during the first 12 months (lock-in period).
  4. The minimum part-payment amount must be greater than or equal to two months' EMI.

Regarding prepayment charges, Tata Capital permits part prepayment of up to 25% of the principal outstanding (after the 12-month lock-in period) without incurring any penalties or additional fees. However, amounts exceeding 25% will attract prepayment charges as applicable.

Our loan disbursal feature is in partnership with Tata Capital. For any further queries, you can contact them at -