• Sell by amount:

Step 1: After selecting the fund you want to redeem/sell, switch to the 'Amount' option and choose from the provided preset amounts. Additionally, you can check the units 'Available to sell.'

Step 2: Once you select the amount click on ‘Continue’.

Step 3: Select the dropdown icon to review the charges associated with selling your units, then proceed by clicking 'Continue.'

Note: The units owned should not be less than minimum units that can be sold.

  • Sell by amount - custom

Step 1: You can select the custom option to modify the amount.

Step 2: Enter the amount which should not exceed your available to sell amount.

Step 3: Click the dropdown icon to see a breakdown of the charges.

  • Sell by units:

Step 1: Click on ‘Units’ and select from the given options below, then ‘Continue’.

Step 2: You can access the charges by clicking on the dropdown icon.

  • Sell by units - custom

Step 1: Click on ‘Custom’ and continue.

Step 2: Enter the units you wish to sell and click on continue. Ensure that you enter the units available for sell. 

Step 3: You can also check the charges by clicking the dropdown icon.

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