Since this article contains detailed information related to our Margin Pledge facility, we have divided it into subsections below. You can skip the sections that may be irrelevant and directly access the sections that you need help with by tapping on any of the links below.

What does pledging stocks mean?

You may want the extra margin to trade in the market. In such cases, you can pledge your stocks using our Margin Pledge facility and avail of extra margin after a haircut. 

Let’s say using Margin Pledge you pledge a stock that is trading at ₹100, then with a haircut of 15%, you will get a ₹85 margin.

Keep in mind:

  • Since stock prices keep changing during market hours, the collateral margin is adjusted accordingly 
  • Our Margin Pledge facility is only allowed on specific stocks. You can review the updated list of these stocks on our Margin Pledge module on the ‘My Profile’ page.
  • You will continue to receive corporate actions benefits such as bonus, dividend, splits, and more on your pledged stocks.

Follow the steps for Pledging your shares

1.Login to the Upstox app using your 6-digit pin or biometrics.

2 Select the Profile icon under Account.

3.Click 'My account.'

4.Select 'Margin pledge’ from the ‘Actions’ menu.

5.If you wish to understand the pledging process, click on 'Learn how to pledge shares.'


6.From the options provided below, you can review transaction details, holdings available for pledging from your portfolio, and the scrips eligible for pledging.


7. Select the shares and enter the required quantity you like to pledge.


8. Click ‘Apply.’


9. Verify the quantity and scrip details, then click 'Submit Request.'


 10. You will be immediately redirected to the CDSL portal to input the OTP; click 'Verify' after entering the OTP.


11.After verifying OTP, click the 'close the tab' option to return to the Mobile application page.


If your request is unsuccessful, you will receive a notification stating that the pledge request has failed.


 12. You can check the status of the pledge request  under the ‘Pledge request.’



  • Upon confirmation by CDSL, you will receive the margin within 10 minutes.
  • The cost of pledging, as well as unpledging, is ₹20 + GST per scrip
  • Real-time pledging is available between 8.30 AM to 4 PM. You will not be able to pledge shares after 4 PM.


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