Here are the steps to create a new mandate for an existing SIP from the Upstox app:
1. Open the Upstox app and navigate to the ‘My Account’ section
2. Click on ‘Profile’ followed by ‘Mandates’
3. Click on ‘Create new mandate’ to initiate the process
4. Review the default mandate amount and the bank account details, then click on ‘Continue’
5. You'll be directed to the email authentication page for verification
6. On the 'Set up AutoSIP' mandate page, choose your preferred verification mode (NetBanking or Debit Card), agree to the Terms & Conditions, and click Submit
7. Based on your chosen mode, you'll be redirected to your banking portal to authorise the mandate
8. After authorisation, review the details on the Mandate Approval Automation page
9.Look for the eNACH response message to ensure successful setup
10. You’ll then receive a confirmation message once the AutoSIP request has been initiated