You can cancel your SGB application before the application end date. To cancel your SGB application, follow these steps:

  1. On the new Upstox app, from the ‘Account’ section switch to ‘Upstox for investors’ mode if you’re on the ‘Upstox Pro for traders’ mode.
  2. Click on ‘Invest in Gold’ on the Homepage.
  3. Under ‘Portfolio’ - Click on the Application that you want to cancel
  4. Click on your application status card
  5. Click on the ‘Cancel’ button and confirm your request
  6. Done! Your order has been cancelled

Keep in mind:

  • Cancellation will be disabled on the last day of the tranche (T)
  • People who applied before T can only cancel till T-1
  • People who applied on T cannot cancel their application
Note: Refund will be credited to your Upstox account (Securities Wallet) within one working day after you cancel your application.