Smallcase are ready-made portfolios created by experts. While most smallcases are free to invest in, there are few special smallcases created by SEBI registered experts. To access them you need to pay a subscription fee. However, some of these are available at a discounted price only for Upstox users. To avail this discount, follow the steps below:
Login to smallcase smallcases on Upstox
Click on ‘Discover’ and then ‘ See Managers’ or manually search for the following managers Niveshaay, Wright Research, Green Portfolio, and Lotusdew Wealth using the search icon
Now click on ‘See smallcases’
And then click on ‘Subscribe Now’
Fill in necessary details and click on ‘Continue’
Now you will be redirected to the Billing & Plan. Here fill in the necessary details and enter the relevant promo codes and click ‘Apply’ then on ‘Pay’
Note: the promo code will be provided to you over the mail by Upstox
Click on the e-mandate and then on ‘Subscribe’
8. You will be redirected to the mandate page to fill in bank details and proceed.
Once you submit the details you will be redirected to your bank site and the subscription will be done!