What is OFS
Offer For Sale (OFS) is an investment opportunity for all types of investors to own shares of a listed company where a promoter wants to sell off part of their investment. This is conducted on a specific date, via a process that is separate from the normal market trading process.
What is floor Price?
The floor price is the price set up by a company at or above which the investor can place a bid for the OFS.
What is maximum bid allowed?
The maximum allowed bid is 2 lakh.
How is allotment of shares done?
Allotment of shares will be decided by the company. A contract note will be issued which will mention the quantity and price. OFS is normally for 2 days, the first day is reserved for HNI and the second day for retail investors.
What will be the OFS Charges?
OFS will be charged at ₹20 + GST per order.