IPO Subscription is the number of shares applied for on the BSE and NSE. Each exchange provides live IPO subscription status on their website for the bids received by them. For each investor category like Institutional, Non-Institutional, Retail, etc. separate tracking is kept and data is available on Stock Exchange’s website on a real-time basis.
On the NSE you can check the bids placed on only the NSE or across both exchanges (NSE/BSE) using the Consolidated Bid Details feature shown below:
1. Select the current IPO
2. Next select ‘NSE Bid Details’ or ‘Consolidated Bid Details’ from the dropdown menu
In the same manner, on the BSE you can check either the subscription details on BSE or across both Exchanges.
1. Select IPO
2.Once you click on IPO name, next click on ‘BSE Bid Details’ or ‘Cumulative Bid Details’
3. If you click on ‘BSE Bid Details’ it will show you the bid and quantity details
4. If you click on ‘Cumulative Bid Details’ you will see collective bid and quantity details.