Changing your registered mobile number linked with your Upstox account is simple and can be done in just a few steps:
Step 1: Login to the Upstox app using your 6-digit PIN or biometrics.
Step 2: Tap on ‘Account’ at the bottom of the screen.
Step 3: Select ‘My Account’.
Step 4: Go to ‘Profile’.
Step 5: Navigate to ‘Profile’, and tap on ‘My contact details’. You will then be redirected to the ‘Contact information’ page.
Step 6: Within the contact information section, verify the registered mobile number and click on the edit icon.
Step 7: Enter the new mobile number that you wish to link to your Upstox account, then click on ‘Update’.
Step 8: Enter the OTP sent to the new mobile number, then click on ‘Submit’.
Step 9: eSign with Aadhaar and submit your application.
Step 10: Agree to the ‘Terms of Service’ by clicking on the checkbox.
Step 11: Enter your Aadhaar/VID.
Step 12: Enter the OTP sent to your Aadhaar registered mobile number.
Step 13: Your request to change your mobile number has been successfully submitted.
Note: It will take 24-72 hours for the new mobile number to be updated.