smallcases are the easiest way to buy & manage multiple portfolios of stocks.
Our line-up of over 30+ ready-made portfolios that range from trending market themes (growing middle class, increasing internet penetration), investing styles (Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Joel Greenblatt) & sector-specific portfolios help you take a portfolio exposure to an idea or model you believe in with just 2 clicks! Investing in portfolios also gives you diversification benefits.
If you buy stocks of a smallcases directly on Upstox, you won't get the following:
- No of shares that you need to buy for each stock
- Option to buy and sell a basket of stocks in just 1 click rather than placing orders for individual stocks in Upstox/ trading platform
- Portfolio tracking through custom indices for each smallcase
- Option to invest more anytime in your smallcase in the same weighting scheme
- Quarterly rebalance updates on stocks coming in and going out of a smallcase, and the ability to apply them in 1 click
- Option to SIP frequently (weekly/ fort-nightly/ monthly/ quarterly) into the same basket in just 1 click.
To buy a portfolio otherwise on your broker platform, it takes you 100+ clicks - with smallcase, it's a 1 click process for each task (discover, buy, track, manage).