Also, keep in mind: If any trading activity has been carried out during the day, your contract note will be sent to your registered email address. If you haven’t received the contract note, just search in your email by typing ‘[email protected]’ or ‘contract note’.

To download the contract note, refer to the below steps.

1. Login to the Upstox app using your 6-digit Pin or biometrics

2. Click on the Profile tab under the 'Account.' 

3. Click on ‘My account.'

4. Select 'Reports.' 

5. Click on 'Miscellaneous reports.'

6. Click on filters and select the required segment ,report type, financial year and date.

7. In ‘Report Type’ select ‘CONTRACT’.

8. After selecting the required details click on 'Get Report.'

9.Click on the required report to download the contract note.

A contract note is a statement containing detailed information on all your trades done on a particular day. When you trade, a contract note is sent to your registered email ID within 24 hours as per the format prescribed by the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI). 

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